The Lost Circus of 1877: Fair and Fundraiser for Autism!
On April 16th, Austen's Autistic Adventures, in conjunction with the City of Burleson and Russell Farm Art Center, and in honor of Autism Awareness Month, will put on a sale and show!
The title of our event is The Lost Circus Troupe of 1877. The day will be broken into two parts.
From 12-5, an open air market with vendors of all kinds, as well as information booths for special needs services and information. Period players will wander about the grounds, entertaining festival-goers.
From 6-8, we will host a ticketed talent show, where both autistic performers and neurotypical folk will show off their skills. In addition to the show, there will be a raffle of dozens of items donated by vendors at the Circus!
Entry is FREE to the festival and tickets to the the evening shows $25. Admits one adult and one child. Additional people requires additional ticket purchase. All proceeds benefit Austen’s Autistic Adventures.
If you are interested in selling your wares, we still have lots of space for vendors! Booths are 10X10 and $50. Special needs services receive free booth space. You may reserve more than one booth if needed. Here is the link to register.
Are you a performer? You are welcome to collect donations. We request that you donate 10% to AAA.(Buskers, improv skits, stilt walkers, jugglers, etc). Here is the link to register!
Thank you to Tom Sale, who is largely responsible for organizing this festival. We hope to make this a yearly event (with different themes each year!) Help us make it successful, sell your stuff, strut your stuff, and join us! Please share or tag people who might want to participate.